Resolving Conflicts


Community members in conflict and juveniles exhibiting delinquent or disruptive behaviors which negatively impact others benefit from Waymakers mediation and restorative justice services. Trained volunteers and staff utilize flexible forums to find sustainable solutions which encourage positive change.



A service available to community members or groups who find themselves in a dispute which the parties cannot resolve on their own. Referrals come from our partners in law enforcement or one of the involved parties.


This program provides mediation as an alternative to a judicial solution for small claims and other civil matters.


  • Lasting resolution of conflict
  • Enhanced communication
  • Cohesion and sense of peace within communities
  • Prevention of violence through early intervention to resolve conflict


Juvenile Diversion utilizes practical, individualized and cost effective restorative justice components such as individual and family counseling, case management, victim-offender mediation, Peer Court, community service and restitution, legal awareness, practical parenting, drug and alcohol awareness, anger management, service learning projects, truancy reduction, social skills, decision making, and 24-hour help lines and specialized services linkage.


  • Divert at-risk youth from future illegal behavior
  • Reduced recidivism rates
  • Fulfillment of community service hours and restitution obligations to repair harm
  • Empowerment of youth, family, victim and community by participation in creating positive outcomes


How Can I Set Up a Mediation?

Call or email the particulars of your situation. Waymakers will work with you and the other individual(s) involved to convene a mediation. Mediations are scheduled at a location convenient to the participants. Appointments are available evenings, weekends, and during normal business hours.

Contact us at
(949) 250-4058

or by email at

or complete the Dispute Resolution form here.

Mediation Form

Parents, Youth & the Law Classes

Groups for youth ages 13-17 and their parents that aim to reduce recidivism. Teens and their parents attend two, three-hour educational sessions to learn about the Juvenile Justice System. Teens will understand the impact and consequences of crime, while parents learn effective family management skills to increase positive interaction with their teens.

Registration Page

“At first I thought that my son caused the problem. Why should I have to go to the workshop? I‘m glad I participated. This has made communication between us better.” Parent

Mediation Training

Waymakers’ Dispute Resolution Services (DRS) offers mediation training for individuals interested in mediating in California. The program exceeds the California Dispute Resolution Programs Act (DRPA) training requirements. Participants who attend every session will receive a certificate of completion. DRS welcomes volunteer applicants who are interested in mediation with the DRS program.

Mediation Training

Diversion Payment

Diversion Payment

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