Friday, May 2, 2025

8:00AM - 2:00PM

Anaheim Marriott Suites 12015 Harbor Boulevard | Garden Grove, CA 92840

Join us on May 2, 2025, from 8:00 AM to 2:00 PM for the Victims' Rights Conference 2025, where we will explore the theme, "The Power of Resilience: Strength Through Power." This year’s conference is designed to empower and inspire those dedicated to supporting victims' rights.

The morning session (8:00 AM – 11:30 AM) will feature Training Tracks, providing valuable insights and practical tools for professionals working in the victims' rights field. In the afternoon (12:00 PM – 2:00 PM), we’ll celebrate the incredible individuals and community partners that are making a difference with an Awards Luncheon honoring those who have shown exceptional dedication to the victims' rights community.

Training Track Options:

You Show up for Others — But Who is Showing up for You?

Jason Claros, Licensed Clinical Social Worker, invites you to join him for "Biohacking Burnout," a workshop designed specifically for those working in the intense and emotionally demanding field of victim advocacy.

Legislative Reforms for Survivor Safety and Justice

Professor Stoever will discuss legislation proposed and passed by the UCI Law Domestic Violence Clinic, the client experiences that inspired the legislation, and the difference these new laws can make for survivors and advocates across California.

Talking with Children and Adolescents About Trauma and Violence: Disclosures, Report Completeness, and Accuracy

Dr. Quas will discuss key findings from extant literature on disclosure and reporting tendencies in youth victims, and effective methods of building rapport and eliciting disclosure from these vulnerable populations. Dr. Quas will also describe new work targeting interviewing methods when questioning highly reluctant adolescent victims about exposure to sexual assault and exploitation.

We invite you to be a part of this impactful event and celebrate the strength and resilience of those who serve and support victims every day.

Contact Daniel Chong for more information 949.250.0488

Victims' Rights Conference and Luncheon

Price Total: $0.00

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May 2nd, 2025
Anaheim Marriott Suites

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